Club Rules
To download a Full copy of the club rules and constitution
Code of Conduct
- Respect the Sport, Compete fairly and follow its rules and regulations.
- Show respect for authority, NIC Staff and to the officials of the Sport.
- Respect other people - treat them as you would wish to be treated
- Demonstrate good sportsmanship before, during and after sessions/Competitions.
- Help parents and spectators understand the rules and objectives so they can watch and enjoy the sport.
- Be courteous to opposing teams/Clubs and treat all skaters and coaches with respect.
- Be modest when successful and be gracious in defeat. Applaud good skating.
- Respect the privilege of the use of all club and NIC facilities.
- Refrain from the use of abusive language.
- When using Social Media all the above points should be respected and adhered to.
To download the full NIRC_BIS Code of conduct - Please click here
Pad Set Up Procedure
General rules: